ELC and School Enrolment Numbers by Location
Would you like to know school enrolment numbers since 2008 right now, for free?
Spectrum Analysis’ GeoMapping Plus Product can help.
It allows you to find Early Learning Centre / Preschool / Kindergarten enrolment numbers as well as school enrolment numbers just by scrolling over an online map available at
You can look for trends and gain insights and pass this information on to your senior leaders and board members.
If you prefer, Spectrum Analysis can provide a comparative analysis for you based on your particular criteria.
If you are part of an Independent school in Australia, your enrollments should be rising around 4% pa. to be keeping up with market share.
In some areas, based on population demographics, growth of 4% is almost impossible, yet in other areas (like high growth corridors), you would be disappointed if you only achieved a 4% increase (particularly if the school age population is forecast to grow dramatically).
Maybe you are interested in all the ELC’s, preschools and kindergartens in your area and are looking for their contact details and how many registered places they have.
Again we are making available what is called the ACECQA data at no cost for you to access.
Spectrum Analysis is giving free access to our Level 1 GeoMapping Plus Product, but in the future you may want to see our more advanced levels such as:
• Level 3 – which contains much relevant demographic data including Census data and population projections by age groups including 0 – 4 year old, 5 – 11 (primary) and 12 – 18 (secondary).
• Level 4 – which contains all of Level 3 data, and we can add your own students, future students and even your Alumni if you so desire. These are the Levels of GeoMapping Plus used by schools like Knox Grammar, Ivanhoe Grammar, PLC and others
Try our free offering and see what you can learn!
If you would like some further assistance, please contact us directly.
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