Spectrum Analysis Newsletter

2 February 2022

Spectrum Analysis Newsletters

Online at https://spectrumanalysis.com.au/resources/newsletters/2022-02-02

Spectrum Analysis Australia Geodemographic Modelling and Analysis


In this edition:
1. Gyms, Fitness Centres, Health and Wellness Services Introduction and Webinar
2. Fitness and Wellness Trade Show Stand
3. Property Guideline and Site Potential Checklist
4. Updated eBooks
5. Online Webinars
6. Business Franchise Magazine Article
7. Google Reviews
8. Social Media Links

1. Gym, Fitness Centre, Health and Wellness Services Introduction
We now have a dedicated page on our website outlining the services we offer to Gyms, Fitness Centres, Health and Wellness Services 
https://spectrumanalysis.com.au/services/gyms-fitness-centres-health-or-wellness-services. You may also like to register to attend our webinar on Wednesday 25 May 2022 at 12pm Melbourne time on ‘Data and Demographics for Gyms, Fitness Centres, Health and Wellness Services’ https://spectrumanalysisaustralia7.eventbrite.com.au

2. Fitness and Wellness Trade Show Stand
Spectrum Analysis Australia will be at the Fitness+Wellness Trade Show and Conference at the ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre at Darling Harbour in Sydney from 16 – 17 June 2022 https://fwa.showIf you are Sydney, please pop in and say hello at stand #649 or book an appointment to see us whilst we are in Sydney or if you can’t wait till then, contact us now! https://spectrumanalysis.com.au/contact-us.

Fitness + Wellness Australia

3. Property Guideline and Site Potential Checklist
How do you assess potential property sites? Do you rely on what the Commercial Real Estate Agent recommends? Would you like a Property Guideline and Site Potential Checklist to help you? We have a very practical guide here 
https://spectrumanalysis.com.au/blog/property-guideline-and-site-potential-checklist but if you would like to have a fact-based guide tailor-made for your enterprise, we can help. Bad property decisions are extremely expensive.

Property Guideline and Site Potential Checklist

4. Updated eBooks
We have updated our four eBooks on the topics of Five Tips for Effective Territory Planning, Strategic Network Planning, Nine Tips for Great Site Selection and Demographics and Mapping for Schools, Colleges and Universities. Download your complimentary copies at https://spectrumanalysis.com.au/resources/ebooks-and-books

Peter Buckingham eBooks

5. Online Webinars
Why not revisit some of our previous webinars https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuj2iiBWildfs0ng3a6syAuwlucQQrwBt and subscribe to our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMer7ZAqj2cf8fL15eiCkXQ whilst you are there?

6. Business Franchise Magazine
Business Franchise Magazine https://www.businessfranchiseaustralia.com.au/latest-issue shares ‘Because it has always been done this way – The eight most expensive words in the English language’ pages 54-55 online at https://issuu.com/cgbpublishing/docs/bf_mag_issue_aunz_janfeb2022.pdf

7. Google Reviews
We have received many lovely testimonials, emails and written letters since 1996 saying how much our business has helped our clients, but we haven’t asked for Google Reviews. If you have a moment, please share your experience with Spectrum Analysis Australia online at https://g.page/spectrum-analysis-aus/review.

8. Social Media Links
As always, we encourage you to follow us on social media so that you can be kept up to date between newsletters. https://spectrumanalysis.com.au/contact-us

Kind regards,

Peter Buckingham Spectrum Analysis Australia
Peter Buckingham from Spectrum Analysis Australia  
+61 411 604 921 peterb@spectrumanalysis.com.au

Dorianne Lyons Spectrum Analysis Australia
Dorianne Lyons from Spectrum Analysis Australia 
+61 409 178 315 doriannel@spectrumanalysis.com.au

Spectrum Analysis Australia Pty Ltd
Suite 6, 407 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3127
Established in 1996. Helping enterprises make better decisions based on facts and data.
🏆 Franchise Council of Australia Supplier of the Year 2021 🏆