Spectrum Analysis Newsletter

12 June 2024

Spectrum Analysis Newsletters

Online at https://spectrumanalysis.com.au/resources/newsletters/2024-06-12

Spectrum Analysis Australia Newsletter


In this edition:
1. Spectrum Analysis joins World Franchise Associates
2. Spectrum Analysis participates in our 25th National Franchising Convention
3. Census New Zealand Data Release
4. Franchising USA Magazine Features Three Articles
5. Upcoming Franchising Event – August 2024

World Franchise Associates WFA

1. Spectrum Analysis joins World Franchise Associates
Spectrum Analysis is proud to announce we have become the Australian Associates with World Franchise Associates (WFA)

WFA is an international group that matches Franchisors who wish to offer a Master Licence with Investors who wish to bring the franchise concept into their country.

To bring local franchise businesses into their system, they have sale matching Associates in Asia, Middle East, Europe and the USA and their head office is in London.

Whilst some of our clients are expanding internationally, usually to countries like New Zealand, Singapore, the USA and the UK, this WFA association can help open a discussion about whether you would like to sell a Master Franchise in other countries you have not considered previously, or feel may be difficult to directly franchise into that country due to language and cultural issues.

If you are thinking about international expansion, you could consider Master Franchising your concept in countries you do not consider are your core targets, or that you realistically feel you will never get to open in as you have major strategies to open in the USA or UK and that will take years to reach some maturity.

Please give me a call on +61 411 604 921 or send an email to me at peterb@spectrumanalysis.com.au if you would like to hear further about this opportunity, either as a Franchisor looking to export your concept internationally, or as an investor looking to bring a concept (established franchise) into Australia.

Franchise X National Franchising Convention Franchise Council of Australia Spectrum Analysis Anubhav Tewari

2. Spectrum Analysis participates in our 25th National Franchising Convention
Our Chief Data Scientist, Anubhav Tewari and I attended the Franchise Council of Australia National Franchising Convention NFC in Cairns – the 25th appearance for Spectrum Analysis. I attended my first NFC in 1999 and have only missed one convention due to personal reasons since. 

Spectrum Analysis proudly supports the FCA by taking a trade stand at the NFC as a way to catch up with our current clients and encourage new business. I was asked to facilitate a session at the NFC on ‘How to grow your business through Franchising,’ and would like to thank Kate Foley from Australia Post (General Manager, Retail Operations South), Jeremy Hassell from City Cave, (CEO, President and Co-Founder) and Steve Grossrieder from Jax Tyres, (CEO and MD) for speaking and presenting their views in the session.

Stats NZ New Zealand Census 2023 - First Data Release By Anubhav Tewari

3. Census New Zealand Data Release
If you have any business interests in New Zealand, you will be interested to know that the first round of Stats NZ 2023 Census data has just been released

The “Census Usually Resident Population” or CURP in 2023 was stated as 4.7 million people, a rise of just under 300,000 people since the 2018 Census. This represents growth of 6.3% over the five year period, which was well below the 10.8% growth that was achieved between 2013 and 2018.

Auckland shows a population of 1.66 million people, followed by Wellington with 507,000 people as the two largest cities according to the 2023 Census. Spectrum Analysis will be updating our systems with the new data, and can assist you with Strategic Planning, Territory Planning and mapping as required for New Zealand.

Franchising Magazine USA

4. Franchising USA Magazine Features Three Articles
We would like to thank Vikki Bradbury and her team at CGB Publishing for inviting us to share three articles in Franchising USA Magazine this year:

15 Steps to starting a successful Franchise System

Site selection and available information in Australia

International mapping has become Easy

These articles are essential reading if you are considering becoming a franchisor!

5. Upcoming Franchising Event – August 2024
“Taking your Franchise International – the Power of Master Franchising – details coming soon!

Kind regards,

Peter Buckingham Spectrum Analysis Australia
Peter Buckingham from Spectrum Analysis Australia
+61 411 604 921 peterb@spectrumanalysis.com.au

Spectrum Analysis Australia Pty Ltd
Suite 6, 407 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3127
Established in 1996. Helping enterprises make better decisions based on facts and data.

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See past editions here: https://spectrumanalysis.com.au/resources/newsletters