Data and Demographics for Schools Colleges and Universities

Data and Demographics for Schools, Colleges and Universities with Peter Buckingham from Spectrum Analysis Australia

Date: 6 April 2022

Format: Online Webinar via Zoom

Title: Data and Demographics for Schools Colleges and Universities with Peter Buckingham from Spectrum Analysis

Presenter: Peter Buckingham, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Spectrum Analysis

Chat Manager: Sue Ellson, Marketing Consultant for Spectrum Analysis

LinkedIn Registered Guests:

Video Recording on YouTube: (and below)

PowerPoint Slides: (and below)

Say Thank You with an Informative Review: Google or Website

Prize Winner: St Ignatius’ College Adelaide

Additional Links from the Chat:

More information on what we do for schools, colleges and universities available at

Our latest Strategy News for Schools Newsletter is online at

Other videos we have published related to schools information available at

Jells College – Fictitious School – Online Mapping Example

Jells College Sample Report at

If you have any further questions, please contact us.