Franchise Radio Show Is Good Territory Planning An Investment Or An Expense

Franchise Simply Franchise Radio Show with Brian Keen and Peter Buckingham on Territory Planning

Topic: Is Good Territory Planning An Investment Or An Expense?
Episode: 166
Date: 1 May 2024
Broadcaster / Interviewer: Brian Keen
Producer or Podcast Name: Franchise Simply – Franchise Radio Show
Duration: 00:33:25
Website Link:
Audio Recordings:

Apple Podcasts


Listen Notes

Podcast App


Shared on Social Media:
Franchise Simply Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Page Brian Keen LinkedIn Profile

Topics Discussed:
✅ Offering an ‘insurance’ in relation to creating territories
✅ Risks associated with not allocating territories before establishment
✅ Territory by postcode
✅ Australian Census Data
✅ Index Data available including SEIFA
✅ Measuring performance and opportunity of territories
✅ Importance of record keeping and review of performance
✅ Proposal for scoping a project (around 130 across Australia)
✅ Creating a relevant strategy for allocating territories for franchisors
✅ Starting with a local territory allocation and considering a regional strategy
✅ International Data available across multiple countries
✅ Territory Planning, Strategic Network Planning ebooks at

Further information:
Contact Brian Keen at Franchise Simply

FRANCHISE RADIO SHOW // Peter Buckingham was recently interviewed by Brian Keen on his Franchise Simply Radio Show on the topic of ‘Is Good Territory Planning An Investment Or An Expense?’ It includes information on:

✅ Offering an ‘insurance’ in relation to creating territories
✅ Risks associated with not allocating territories before establishment
✅ Territory by postcode
✅ Australian Census Data
✅ Index Data available including SEIFA
✅ Measuring performance and opportunity of territories
✅ Importance of record keeping and review of performance
✅ Proposal for scoping a project (around 130 across Australia)
✅ Creating a relevant strategy for allocating territories for franchisors
✅ Starting with a local territory allocation and considering a regional strategy
✅ International Data available across multiple countries
✅ Territory Planning, Strategic Network Planning ebooks

Learn more and listen in at

#franchiseradioshow #franchisesimply #peterbuckingham #briankeen #spectrumanalysis #territoryplanning

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Spectrum Analysis Facebook Page, Google PB, Google SA, LinkedIn PB, LinkedIn SA, Twitter / X, Audio Page, Publications Page