Date: 19 – 21 May 2024
Title: Franchise X Franchise Council of Australia FCA Convention 2024 #NFC2024
Event Listed:
Venue: Cairns Convention Centre, Sheridan Street and Wharf Street, Cairns City Queensland Australia 4870
Photos: Below
Organised by: Franchise Council of Australia
Peter Buckingham and Anubhav Tewari attended the Franchise Council of Australia National Franchising Convention NFC in Cairns – the 25th appearance for Spectrum Analysis. Peter first attended the NFC in 1999 and has only missed one convention due to personal reasons since.
Spectrum Analysis proudly supports the FCA by taking a trade stand at the NFC as a way to catch up with our current clients and encourage new business.
Peter was asked to facilitate a session at the NFC on ‘How to grow your business through Franchising,’ and would like to thank Kate Foley from Australia Post (General Manager, Retail Operations South), Jeremy Hassell from City Cave, (CEO, President and Co-Founder) and Steve Grossrieder from Jax Tyres, (CEO and MD) for speaking and presenting their views in the session.
FRANCHISING CONVENTION // Peter Buckingham and Anubhav Tewari are currently attending Franchise X, the National Franchising Convention for the Franchise Council of Australia! Can you believe it is the 25th time that Peter is attending? It is an interesting time for franchising as the Australian Government is reviewing the Franchising Code and has received substantial input from the Franchise Council of Australia.
Peter is particularly looking forward to hearing from Simon Kuestenmacher from The Demographics Group speaking at midday today (20 May 2024) on the topic of “”Defining Opportunity for Small Business Franchising.”
If you are attending, please drop in and say hello and if you have any questions, please contact Spectrum Analysis Australia!
#NFC2024 #franchisecouncilofaustralia #peterbuckingham #spectrumanalysis

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